Well, we found out that our 2nd baby is due Jan. 12th, which is Hannah's birthday! Crazy. This sounds stupid, but I don't worry about anything else except how we're going to figure out birthday parties when they both get older (for now I think we can combine 'em for a few years--maybe?). Anyway, we're very excited and got to see the baby again on ultrasound because the Dr. couldn't find the heartbeat with the Doppler thing. The nurse and Dr. didn't really believe me when I said I could feel it moving already--at 12 weeks! But when the picture came up on the monitor, there was this baby doing nothing but kicking it's little legs out! I was like, "I told you so!" We're not going to find out if it's a boy/girl until the big day (sorry to the curious cats!) because it gives us something to look forward to.
It's very fun to try and explain to Hannah that there's a baby in mommy's tummy. She likes to poke (really hard, mind you) my belly and say "babiee!" But I don't think she knows quite what it means. She is so curious about little babies (watch out, Josh--Donny & Marcia's newest) and likes to poke them and pat their heads.
Summer's been nice so far, so we've taken advantage of it by going to the park and Hannah just loves being outside and gets upset when she has to come in. We spent the 4th at my parent's house and saw fireworks at the Everett marina, which were awesome! Hannah loved it and didn't take her eyes off it for a second. Brian and I took a short trip to Vancouver to see a Coldplay concert (my Valentine's Day surprise--I loved it!) and we stayed at a B&B near Mt. St. Helens. We got up early and took a drive to the mountain before anything was open and even saw a deer and her tiny baby walking down the street. The deer even ditched her baby when she heard us coming down the road and the poor baby coudn't get over the guard rail! We got some video of it--don't worry the mom came back after we turned the car off and drove neutral to follow 'em. Anyway, it was a pretty cool trip--my first overnight without Hannah. I missed her, but I have to say it was too short!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!