November 18, 2008

Hi everyone! Emily here. I'm trying to find an excuse to procrastinate from working on my course research paper, so here I am! Ha! We are always teased about how little we update this blog, but we can hardly find time to remember to brush our teeth lately. I think I have little teeth elves living between mine! (That's gross, but I was just kidding, of course. Some people might believe in teeth elves--so no offense.) Anyway, like I said, we keep busy with Hannah--who, by the way, is coming into her own funny personality. She loves to make people laugh! When I take her into the store, she'll play peek-a-boo with other kids in strollers, and gets a kick out of it when she can actually see them. They smile and she smiles right back. It's so cute. She also loves Cheerios. Usually at least once a day I put her in her high chair and give her a baby handful of them. But I noticed one day her true love for 'em when she had a Cheerio in both of her hands, and after realizing something just wasn't right, she opened her mouth wide, and stuck her face right into the tray of cereal! That makes me laugh when I write this! (Maybe the dogs are teaching her how to eat.)

On another note, we are so glad to be back home in Washington, especially now that the holidays are just 'round the corner. This time (with the crappy economy, moving, school, blah, blah, blah) has been especially stressful for us, and we can't forget how important it is that we have family around to support us no matter what, and how thankful we are for that. I definitely learned that being down in Vegas and missing everyone so much! (Except Kel, my sister, is still there, but it's a lot easier to visit her from Seattle via flight benefits than driving/flying to Washington from Vegas without them.) On that note, here's a little Thanksgiving homework for you (and sorry I'm getting so mushy): What are you thankful for? (Ok, I hear some chuckles, but really, think about it and it'll give you the "warm and fuzzies." Like turkey dinner and pie. Yum.)

Wow, I wrote a book here already! (Why can't my paper be this easy to write?!) We'll revisit the blog sometime, and I'll hopefully be at a computer that has Hannah pics on it to load here--because that's all anyone wants to see anyway! Back to the books... (*collective sigh*)

1 comment:

Scott said...

im thankful you guys are back in WA!! you'll have to show off Hannah's face dive into the cheerios sometime. sounds priceless. lol