March 13, 2009

Being a ham, books, and snow!

Just took some pictures lately of her playing... she was being cute as usual... and posing (especially the second pic)!

She's being so goofy!

She also loves to read books a lot (when she's not chewing or using them to practice her awesome throwing skills). She likes to bring a book to me, daddy, or Grandpa M and curl up in our lap to listen... until she thinks we're reading too slow and she flips the pages for us!

It also snowed a couple of days ago. It was so pretty! Hannah likes to stand on the window sill to look out in the morning sometimes and she was so mesmerized by the stuff. You can't really tell in the pic, but the flakes were ginormous! ...Ok, more like 1 or 2 inches. :)

1 comment:

Scott said...

i had no idea you were actually using this!!! sweet. FINALLY! i can see cute pics of hannah.....and keep up with you and brian too. haha.